NPD and Narcissistic Abuse

Abuse by any narcissist is traumatic – and abuse from a malignant narcissism can be crippling. Learning about NPD and recovery from narcissistic is an important step in healing.

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Cyberstalking and Harassment

Cyberstalking and cyber harassment can happen to anyone – but when you leave a narcissistic abuser, you need to know how to fight back against cyberstalking and cyber harassment.

Resources for Victims

When you are suffering at the hands of a narcissistic or cyber abuser, you need to build a community of support. Counseling, legal aid, law enforcement and cyber support can help you when you're down.

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Cyber Abuse – Stalking, Harassment and Hacking.

Cyber abuse can be from someone you know or a stranger. Because it crosses jurisdictional lines, it makes it even harder for victims to deal with.


About Cyber Abuse

Cyber crime is on the increase. While technology has made it easier for us to do business online, communicate with others and learn more about everything, it has it's dark side.

It has made it easier for criminals to abuse you.

Stalking, threats/extortion and harassment, whether in person or online, is illegal. It is NOT protected free speech.

Domestic abusers often use email, texting and the internet to continue to terrorize their victims through stalking, threats, doxing, and harassment. Predators, like narcissistic abusers, also target strangers through social media and online groups.

Most states have laws that either specifically address cyberstalking and harassment or current stalking/harassment laws are applied to online abuse.

When there are jurisdictional issues, there are federal laws to protect you from cyber crime.

If you are being harassed, stalked or threatened online, reporting to the social media platform is NOT ENOUGH. You need to report it to your local police or file a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3

For abuse to be considered stalking or harassing, there needs to be a pattern. Screenshot, record and capture all the abuse, the times/dates and the psychological/emotional impact it had on you. Click here for a toolkit on keeping records of online stalking and harassment.

After you screenshot and record, THEN you report to Twitter, Facebook,  Instagram, YouTube or  whatever platform is being used. Block the offender and tighten your security settings. Click here for online privacy tips.

If the abuse continues, contact cyber safety groups like or for help.

It is imperative that you seek help from your local law enforcement agency or file a complaint with the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center IC3 if you are a victim of a cyberstalker. It is also important that you do not delete emails, chats, phone messages, and harassing private message board messages so that you can present this evidence to your local law enforcement agent.

If you are a victim of stalking, get help through the Stalking Resource Center.

Are you in crisis now?

Get help now. If you are in immediate danger, call 911 immediately.

You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). You'll be able to speak to an advocate 24/7.