Boost Your Immune System with an Anti-Inflammatory Shake

Immune Booster Shake

Boost Your Immune System

When you're stressed, it's even more important to eat nutrient dense foods that boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. This shake is my go-to for doing just that. I typically keep several on hand for myself and my family.

They are great if you're on the go or, more likely right now, stuck in the house where you may be more likely to eat out of stress or boredom.

Anti-Inflammatory Immune Booster Shake

  • large handful of organic power greens (mix of baby kale and baby spinach)
  • 1.5 - 2 c frozen organic berries ( I use 1 cup frozen organic wild blueberries and 1 cup frozen organic anti-oxidant berry smoothie pack)
  • 1 scoop vanilla or unflavored vegetable protein powder (I use Vanilla Sunwarrior Organic Plant-Based Protein powder. You can use any protein powder, just make sure no sugar is added)
  • 1 T maca powder
  • 1 c coconut milk
  • 1/4 c chia seeds
  • Stevia to taste
  • Water (as needed, preferrably filtered)

Put all in a blender and mix until smooth. Pour into mason jars.

You can play with this recipe, trying different variations of fresh and frozen fruit, almond milk etc. Try to use organic when possible since pesticides and chemicals can impact your immune system. Avoid gluten, dairy, soy and sugar as they can increase inflammation.



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