8 Ways Trauma Can Sink Your Biz
How does trauma show up in YOUR business? It’s important understand that our response to trauma is a powerful, life-saving defense mechanism. It is the core, instinctual and subconscious part of ourselves that keeps us safe. For our critter brain, that means status quo. No change. For business, status quo and no change means we…
Read MoreTrauma Response Is Natural – Not a Disorder
Something’s not right. My stomach is doing flip flops. My heart is racing. My breathing is fast and shallow. Trying to sit still feels like torture. I need to run. This is trauma? I am experiencing the biological response to threatening stimulus also known as trauma response. It could mean the difference between life and…
Read MoreDo This One Simple Practice to Turn Your Luck Around
Quick tips on healing trauma: Change your luck Here is a really, easy exercise to improve your luck. Raise your hand if you’ve ever said (or thought) “I have such BAD luck!” I know I’m guilty of this myself. But I’ve turned this around. I no longer think I have bad luck no matter…
Read MoreTrauma Healing Practice: Listen to Your Body
Our bodies know how to heal, we just need to take the time to listen. They give us early warning signals -little tensions tell us it’s time to relax or you can be in bigger trouble. Spend a few minutes every day running through your body from head to toe to get in touch with…
Read MoreStress, Trauma Response and PTSD – What’s the difference and how you can recover
Understand the difference between stress, trauma response and PTSD…an a trauma coaches tip on healing yourself. DM me with questions. Please forward to someone that needs to hear this 🙂 #ptsdhealing #stressrelief #traumacoach #mindfullness
Read MoreImproving Communication with Your Body
Instagram IGTV Video:: evamedcroftcoaching – Learning how to better communicate with your body Having better work-life balance includes not just listening to your body but how you talk to it as well. When we “battle” our body’s weight or illness or engage in negative self talk about our physical appearance, our body has no choice…
Read MoreWhat Stories Do You Tell About Yourself And Are They (Still) Accurate?
The stories we tell about ourselves create our identity. It is the inner dialogue that can both encourage us forward or hold us back. It is the nagging doubt in the back of our mind that holds us back from greatness. It is the ego. Our stories are written by our life experiences, including things…
Read MoreHow Trauma Can Create “Blind Spots” in Processing Information
I would like to talk about a subject that has recently come up for me personally. It’s something I describe as “blind spots.” I recently noticed this in a practical sense. As I have shifted focus in my life with my move from Anna Maria Island to St Pete and my business transition from an…
Read MoreVideo: Is Your Distraction Really Your Priority?
Reflecting on your distractions and the role of play in your life.
Read MoreMy Gluten Hangover Detox
Being gluten-sensitive or gluten-intolerant can be a buzz kill. Most of the time, I enjoy my healthy, clean diet. I love how feel when I listen to my body and give it what it wants. But then there are the other times. The brief periods of oh-what-the-hell. The splurges of comfort food favorites that nourish…
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