Posts by Eva Medcroft

Boost Your Immune System with an Anti-Inflammatory Shake

Boost Your Immune System When you’re stressed, it’s even more important to eat nutrient dense foods that boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. This shake is my go-to for doing just that. I typically keep several on hand for myself and my family. They are great if you’re on the go or, more likely…

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Curb Cravings With Healthy Fat…Plus A Bit Of Spice

When our natural diet is out of balance, we experience spikes in energy followed by a crash that causes us to crave more food, sugar and caffeine. This spike and crash cycle is known as the blood sugar roller coaster. In the 1980’s, the low-fat diet took the US by storm. Several studies at the time…

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A Year of Healing: Life after Abuse

It has been a year since I told my ex it was over. And it will be a year on August 3rd since I physically separated. Month 1: In the first month, I stayed in hiding. I wasn’t aware of how truly dangerous my ex could be until he followed me to the emergency room…

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